Pro Tips for Heat Treatment Preparation
• For heat treatment preparation, pull away furniture and clutter from walls at least 4 inches.
• Do not use any pesticide bombs, foggers or sprays prior to heat treatment.
• Do not remove anything from treatment area except for garbage or items to be permanently removed.
• Remove bed linens from beds and bag them to wash after treatment.
• Unplug all electronics except major appliances.
• Notify Management prior to treatment of any fire sprinklers, heat sensors or laminate furniture.
• Permanently dispose of all trash and unwanted items before treatment.
• Take down and lay flat any improperly secured pictures and posters that may blow down.
• Place in the heat-sensitive pile any vinyl or faux wood blinds have a low heat tolerance.
• Place in an easily accessible area like a table any heat-sensitive items.
• Lift your mattress so the heat can warm all of the surfaces
Heat Sensitive Items:
• Meltable items like chocolate, lip stick, candles, and deodorant
• Medications & Vitamins
• Vinyl recorders , tapes, thin plastic that may warp
• Aerosol cans, fire extinguishers, lighters, soda cans, pressurized containers
• Wines, liquors and perishables
• Items assembled with hot melt glue
• Wireless routers and modems
• Heat sensitive food items, remove any perishables sensitive to heat
• Relocate any pets or animals, move their cages / containers to a safe area not affected by the heat
For Your Information:
• Try to group heat sensitive together with similar items.
• Avoid using cardboard, wicker or other containers that can hide Bed Bugs.
• Air flow is critical to this process, over-packed closets and rooms may not be able to be treated properly!
• Don’t over prepare. Unnecessarily boxed or bagged items make more work for everyone!