Bed Bugs FAQ
What are the signs of an infestation?
- This is one of the most important questions in the Bed Bugs FAQ as the signs can be subtle. Look for stains on your furniture. Bed Bugs often leave rust colored stains from their excrement. Also look for other signs such as shed skin, egg shells or other indicators of an infestation. Another indicator of a possible infestation are marks on the skin that indicate a bed bug has bitten you.
Delivery and Shipping?
- We deliver and service a 20 mile radius from our address. Further distances are not a problem, please Contact Us and we’ll get you a delivery quote!
Will bed bugs go away on their own?
- No they will not. In fact, bed bugs can live without food for months. Without heat and chemical treatment, your bed bug infestation will get worse, not better.
Does heat treatment kill bed bugs at all life stages?
- When applied properly, heat treatment will kill bed bugs in all stages of their life cycle. There is no place for your bed bugs to hide when they come in contact with high temperatures.
How many eggs can a bed bug lay?
- A female bed bug can lay up to one to five eggs per day.

How are bed bugs introduced into the home?
- Bed bugs are hitch hikers, they hide in the crevices of our luggage, purses, and clothing. Furniture is another area of vulnerability. Used furniture is a favorite spot for bed bugs. Bringing home that couch you picked up on the tree lawn may be the beginnings of an infestation in your home!
What are the health consequences of a bed bug infestation?
- People vary on their reaction to bed bug bites. Some people have no reaction to a bite. Some, however, can have a terrible allergic reaction if bitten.
Where do bed bugs hide?
- Bed bugs love to hide in seams and crevices. They hide in bed frames, the folds of mattresses and other hard to reach places. They can also hide in curtains, electrical sockets, and picture frames. This is why heat treatment is one of the only solutions to infestations; hot temperatures can reach places no human can reach.
How do I avoid a bed bug infestation?
- Limit the items you bring to work or to any place other than your home. Bed bugs can crawl into purses and satchels if they are left in an area where they reside. Also avoid buying second hand furniture as the previous owner could have had an infestation. Picking up items left on a tree-lawn is also risky as bed bugs love to hitchhike on any item with crevaces.
How long does it take for an infestation to occur?
- From the introduction of bed bugs into a new location, it usually takes two months for an infestation to occur. For smaller homes, it may take even less time.